This is the personal blog of Ian Ker, who was Councillor for the South Ward of the Town of Vincent from 1995 to 2009. I have been a resident of this area since 1985. This blog was originally conceived as a way of letting residents of Vincent know what I have been doing and sharing thoughts on important issues. I can now use it to sound off about things that concern me.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Vincent Council Unanimously Pulls The Pin

Here is the text of the important resolution passed unanimously (all elected members present) at the Special Meeting of Vincent Council held at 6pm, Thursday 19th February 2015. 

Text in red was amendment added at my request and also adopted unanimously.

That Council:

1.  NOTES the significant shift in the Local Government Reform process in the past month, with particular regards to:

1.1     The three council amalgamations that were strongly rejected by referendums where the opportunity to vote for residents was permitted;
1.2     The Western Australian Local Government Association withdrew its support for the reform process after being long term supporters; and
1.3     The Western Australian Government announced any council merger would be voluntary;

2.  RECOGNISES and thanks the incredible efforts and participation of:

2.1     The local Vincent ratepayers, who volunteered their own time to organize the campaign to stop the splitting of Vincent and as a result of their work, gave immense political power and credibility to our position; and

2.2     The individuals and community groups across the Perth Metropolitan Area who kept local government reform in the public eye and ensured the success of the polls in South Perth, Kwinana and East Fremantle on 7th February 2015.

3.  CONFIRMS that the City of Vincent wants to remain as a stand-alone Council, on the basis of:

3.1     Strong local community support for the City of Vincent to remain as a separate entity, with particular reference to the results of the 2013 plebiscite which demonstrated the community’s first preference for the City to stay as is;

3.2    Irreconcilable differences between the City of Perth and City of Vincent regarding a new city authority under the proposed City of Perth Act, in particular the City of Perth’s support for vote weighting and a no ward structure;

3.3     Recognition the City of Perth Act would not contain a provision for a referendum of City of Vincent ratepayers to have the final say on the new governance model and structure of a new city authority; and

3.4     Recognition that small local government can be genuinely effective and innovative as leaders and facilitators of positive change in the community;

4.  AUTHORISES the Mayor and/or Chief Executive Officer to write to the Minister for Local Government to formally advise of the City of Vincent’s position;

5. RE-AFFIRMS a strong commitment to reform of the local government sector, including the need for higher standards of governance, accountability, transparency, training and innovation; and

6.  RE-AFFIRMS a strong agenda and focus on improving and reforming the City of Vincent, which began with the appointment of a new CEO to drive this process.

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